Everyone wants to have the music of their taste nowadays. Especially those who like to mix music and play multiple songs of their beats. Many times, we have functions and performances which require editing and mixing of audio files. Audacity is the perfect option as a freeware software to do all editing work on Audio files.
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Audacity offers numerous options to do all types of editing. You can perform the editing of different songs, mix different songs at different time intervals. You can also reduce or improve the tone, noise, sharpness, duck factor of any Audio on Audacity.
Menu bar Inclusions
While using Audacity, there are a plethora of options for you to perform the editing tasks. All options are arranged in a well-mannered fashion in the Menu bar at the top of the window. These options are – File, Edit, Select, View, Transport, Tracks, Generate many more.
Let us dig the details of this drop-down menu and the facilities they offer. Audacity provides valuable information about the application, system settings, and preferences.
Generic Options
Like any other application, Audacity also has File, Edit, View, and Select option.
- File option helps to create new audio, open Audacity project files, exit options, preferences, and settings.
- The edit option helps you with the different options to play with alterations in the project.
- The select option helps you select multiple tracks to mix or specific parts of the track to modify.
- View option helps you perform clippings, history, undo selection, toolbars, and karaoke window. Zooming of the waveform, track specific detail is done via option available in View menu.
Audio Project Specific Options
- Transport option helps you gain full control over your audio, either playing, stopping, recording, or pause.
- Track option helps you to add new tracks to the existing track, align different tracks, and provide labels to audio projects.
- Generate – As the name says, it helps you generate a new Audacity project. There are generation plug-ins that are inbuilt in Audacity. Plug-ins are also part of the Generate sub-menu.
- Effect – Again, as the name says, it helps you add multiple and numerous Effects to your audio projects. Most of the effect options are in-built, but some effects are external, which can be applied by using plug-ins.
- Analyze – This option will help you perform some logical analysis on your audio tracks, including time, spectrometer, noise analysis, etc.
Application-Specific Options
- Tools option contains support options for Macros and Plug-ins for different purposes.
- Extra – This option is available as an optional facility. The extra menu provides multiple secondary features for editing and playing audio. It is better suited for visually-impaired users. Also, it can help the creation of shortcuts at your convenience.
- Help – General help options such as device info, screenshots capturing, downloading options, and logs.
All these options are enough for any user, whether beginner or advance, to create and edit audio and get the best output. There is no shortage of editing options in the Audacity Menu bar. Click here to learn more.
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