Flac export options
What is FLAC? FLAC is an abbreviation for Free Lossless Audio Codec. It is a digital lossless audio format that comes with a smaller size of format. These formats include uncompressed formats like WAV. Many software applications and hardware support FLAC and the support is on its growth path. How does FLAC Work? Flac export […]
Find Clipping: Introduction and application
Usually, you choose View and Show Clipping to play clips. Another way to display clippings is the Find Clipping option. You can run samples of clippings already resent in the Label track. In the Analyze option, the Find clipping option is available. The minimum one clipped region has to be present. To run multiple clips […]
Filter curve: Contents and Utility
You might know about the Fast Fourier Transform filter. The Filter curve is this type of filter, and is an equalization tool. What does we mean by equalization? Equalization is the process of manipulating sounds through frequency. You can increase or decrease the frequency. The filter curve dialog box appears with the following contents. Draw […]
Extra Menu: Scriptables II in Audacity
What will you do if you want to use scripting in Audacity? Well! This article is especially to guide you on how to use scripting by the use of Python or macros. A very useful menu, called ‘Extra’ contains many options in its sub-menu. One of them is ‘Scriptables II’. The ‘Scriptables II’ sub-menu shows […]
Extra Menu: Mixer menu and sub contents
The mixer menu is present in the Extra menu of the toolbar. To manipulate the volume of the audio track, use this menu. The playback or recording you have selected can perform this. The mixer toolbar is also present that provides the same function. The toolbar has a slider that needs changes to change its […]
Use the File Menu Import on Audacity to create audio files
Audacity is one of the most renowned softwares, offering exclusive features to help you create amazing audio files. You can import, export, record, and perform various other activities to create great audio files. Also, you can use various effects in Audacity to give a final touch to your creation. You can use the famous fade-in […]
File menu: Export sub-menu
The file menu in the menu bar has the Export option. The main purpose of this option is to export the audio file present in Audacity. You have various formats to export this audio file. And, the multiple formats allow you to use the audio file with separate applications. Along with separate formats, you can […]
The Audacity’s file menu
Audacity application software provides a number of features and effects that can help you in recording, enhancing, editing, cropping, and customizing your audios. Out of all the menus present in Audacity, the file menu is the most useful. In case you are using Audacity for the first time, here are all the necessary details about […]
Fades feature in Audacity
Fades feature: Audacity is a platform that provides you with various services and features. It is a one-stop solution to all your recording needs. Along with this, Audacity provides a number of effects that can help you in enhancing your audios and recordings. One of the very useful effects is Fades. Fades feature is used […]
Learn to use the Fade and Crossfade feature on Audacity
Crossfade feature: Audacity not only helps you to create good audio files, but also allows you to work with various features. You can easily check your errors, or import and export with the help of this software. This feature of Audacity helps in attaining maximum efficiency with the software. As well, you will be able […]